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Blog image POOJA KUMARI JHA Shared publicly - Apr 26 2020 10:56PM


A bridge to Design and Construction

   Designing and building computer software is challenging creative. Building software is compelling that many software developers want to jump right in before they have  a clear understanding of what is needed. Requirement engineering must be adapted to the needs of the process, the project ,the product and the people doing the work. Requirement engineering is a software engineering action that begins during  the communication  activity and continues into the modeling activity. Requirement engineering  establishes a solid base for design and construction. Without it the resulting software has a probability of not meeting customers need.

Requirement engineering builds a bridge to design and construction. It begins at the feet of the project stakeholders (managers, customers, users), where business need is defined, user scenarios are described, functions and features are delineated and project constraints are identified. It begins with a broader system definition where software is  one component of the larger system domain. The next step towards the bridge allows us above allowing  the software team to examine the context of the software work to be performed, the specific needs  that design and construction must address, the priorities that guide the order in which work is to be completed and the information, functions and behaviors that will  have a  profound impact on the resultant design.  

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